Welcome to My Art Gallery

October delight 1 wo911o
Gathering storm clouds j63zgj
Bouquet of sunshine bhokp8
Dreams of tuscany qu2nc7
Poppies galore large hivwa2

Shop Originals

Through the vibrancy of luscious oil paints, my goal is to bring light, color and joy into your life.  My originals and fine art prints are perfect gifts to brighten a home or workplace.  Come back often to see what's new.

Strolling through Monet's fragrant garden in Giverny, France, ambling through a charming German village on cobblestone streets, enjoying a cup of cappuccino in a sidewalk cafe in Italy, meandering through a forest all decked out in autumn colors in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado or New Mexico, or watching a sunset from my back porch in the Texas Hill Country,...lovely experiences I have had over the years which I have captured with paint on canvas in a way that I hope will enable you to share the beauty and joy.  

I have been fortunate to travel all over the United States, to Central America and to several countries in Europe.  Capturing the color and the charm of these very special places in oil paints on canvas has been a delight.  It is my fondest hope that if you have had the pleasure of experiencing them firsthand, the paintings will evoke precious memories; and if you have not had that pleasure, you can take a trip vicariously through my eyes and my brushes.

Remember to check back often to see what I've been up to!

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B. Oliver, Art

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